
Welcome to CuddleFish! 

We are currently based out of Bothell Washington.



Note: The First Friday of every month will be dedicated to our polyamorous members!

RSVP Here or

 Facebook Group or

Email: alycatastrophie@gmail.com

The event is limited to 25 attendees.

We have a welcome circle so being on time is important

The doors open at 7:30 pm

Consent orientation at 8 pm

Welcome Circle begins at 8:15 pm

Doors close at 8:30 pm.

The event ends at 1 am.

The price is $20 a person

Light snacks, water, and drinks are provided. 

We encourage people to bring food to share.

Full event info on the FB page.

RESPECT is our golden rule.

Rules - there are rules for the event to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all participants and to protect the space where we meet.

Energy - This is the vibe of the event where what you get from the cuddle space is what you put into it. Please come and share your loving energy with your fellow cuddlers.

Space - Be mindful of the space we are gathered in. This is a home our host is renting out and it is their furnishings we are using for the cuddle. Please take care to keep the space clean and avoid touching personal items without permission.

Pronouns - Be respectful of people’s pronouns, if you are not aware or forget please ask. We recognize that mistakes can happen when using the incorrect pronouns and all we ask is that you correct and be make a strong effort to express the correct pronouns.

Equality - We welcome cuddlers of all genders, sexual orientations, faiths, and race. All are to be treated with respect, love, and kindness. Bigotry and hatred have no place in this space.

Consent - Consent rules this cuddle space. Before engaging physically with someone be sure to get their consent, a maybe is not a yes, a no is not a yes, and only a yes is a yes. If you observe people engaging without negotiation it is because they have an established consent agreement.

Thoughtfulness - Be considerate of those around you, this includes crude jokes, getting political, being aware of the space around you, be mindful of boundaries and requests.

Other things to note:

A dog lives here.

If you need to spend the night please inform us right away

This is not a sex party.

Wear clean comfortable clothes (especially important for anyone with cats to reduce allergens)

DO NOT wear body spray or anything with strong smells

We look forward to Connecting with you!

Meet the Team!

(Left) - Edward: he/him - Edward has been a Long time cuddler hosting a variety of events for decades! He has warm welcoming energy and great pop culture jokes!

(Center) -Rajan: he/him - Fairly new to cuddles (about a year) is now avid participant and host! Loves languages and and is likely to impression you with word play!  

(Right) - Aly: she/her - Aly has been attending and now hosting cuddle events going on 5 years. Believes in building community and bringing people together